Couples therapy
I offer couples therapy based on the principles of Emotionally Focused Therapy and Imago Relationship Therapy.
During therapy I will help you rebuild your sense of trust in each other and the relationship. We will look at the patterns that characterize your relationship when things are going well between you as well as when they are not. We will also look at the things that trigger affection between you as well as the things that trigger conflict in order for you to be able to stop the negative patterns and enhance the positive ones.
The aim is to develop your abilities to listen to each other in an open and curious way – even when things are difficult between you or when you disagree. This will give you a better understanding of each other’s emotions, vulnerabilities and actions, and you will be able to deal with difficult issues in a more compassionate way.
Couples therapy is relevant if you:
• Wish to develop your understanding of yourself and your relationship and obtain a
• deeper love connection.
• Wish to stop the struggles and rediscover the love between you.
• Are considering a break up and want clarification on which road to follow.
• Have decided on a divorce but wish to separate in a respectful way. |